Sunday, March 9, 2008

Agenda - 2/23/08

1. Opening Prayer with invocation to the Holy Spirit

2. Attendance list

3. Donation box

4. Treasurer’s Report – Katie Pettus

5. Reading of the minutes from last meeting: January 26, 2008 by Esther Johnson, Secretary.

6. Prayer concerns:

From the Church Office -
a. George Shipp, a daily Mass attendee and who also helped with funeral preparation, passed away recently. It would be nice if our ministry was represented. Funeral Mass is on Monday, March 3rd @ 11:00 AM.

From Cate Boesen
a. For Eileen McCauley’s (Eucharistic Minister to the homebound) daughter, Joannie who has breast cancer and has to undergo treatment.

From Lynne Kapryn -
a. For Marlene who recently lost her husband and has just been diagnosed with lung cancer.
b. For Faith who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing treatment
c. For Annie Schwartz, 93 years old for her health situations and for her daughter, Kathy and her son who are giving her round the clock care while working different shifts full time: to give them the physical and mental strength they need.

From Patti Afif -
a. A long-time friend of hers, Sue Owen, has been dealing with a series of health problems.
b. Sean Siebert is still dealing with a great deal of depression and spiritual warfare since his last operation. Before his mother Ann left for Africa, Patti was able to visit and pray with Sean, but Ann informed her that he actually got worse while she was gone. She mentioned that it is hard for any parent to see their child suffer and not be able to help them feel better. Please let's remember to continue to hold Sean up in prayer and ask that God's Divine Mercy help him and his family get through this difficult time.

Praise report from Lynne –
a. 30 year old Damien, who was in a Las Vegas hospital with congestive heart failure and breathing tube, recently came out of intensive care into a regular room and was released from the hospital last Friday -- although home with tubes and a machine -- he's doing MUCH better! Thank you Lord!

Any other prayer concerns?

7. Divine Mercy Pamphlet
a. The pamphlets are beautiful; Alpha Graphics did a great job.
b. Spanish pamphlet is going to be translated in Spanish by one of our new members, Javier Estrada

8. Fundraisers:
Sell donuts after the Sunday morning Masses This will be a good fundraiser because we could potentially make $100 or more. I spoke with the Boy Scouts leader last Sunday whose turn it was to sell the donuts and he said he bought 25 dozen and sold them all. The only drawback is that we have to pay the $125 up front.
Mike Torretti suggested we could sell lumpia (Filipino egg rolls) after Sunday Mass every so often.

9. Report on Divine Mercy Conference in Pala on Feb. 1st & 2nd
a. The conference was very good with wonderful speakers. Some of us brought a potluck lunch to share which was very good. Also, a few of us pitched in to get the DVD series of talks to be shared by our ministry.
b. Comments/additions?

10. Holy Hour by Deacon Pat Necerato tentatively next Friday, Feb. 29th after the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM.
a. The other ministries will be invited also.

11. Plans for Divine Mercy Sunday, March 30, 2008
a. Morck Catholic Gifts will be selling a variety of Divine Mercy items among other religious items after all the Masses, including after the Sunday evening Mass.
c. Prepare and sell red & white roses or carnations for our Lord to be brought up and laid at the foot of the Image either before or after all the Masses or just before the 5:00 PM Divine Mercy Mass.
d. Have the Divine Mercy Image displayed in front of the baptismal font.
e. One of our members give a short talk on St. Faustina and Divine Mercy before each Mass, including the Saturday evening 5:00 Mass.
i. The same person will lead the Chaplet of Divine Mercy right after the closing song
f. Celebration to start at 2:45 PM with the showing of 3 DVD’s: English (inside the Church), and Spanish & Children’s (Places TBD)
g. Babysitting will be provided from 2:30 - 4:30 PM
h. Have the Divine Mercy Image processed in before the 5:00 PM Mass (by the Knights of Columbus Color Corps) and hopefully will be kept somewhere in the front.
i. The Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Pat Crowley
i. Possibility of making it bilingual
j. Go to dinner for those who would like to go out and invite Fr. Crowley (we decided at the last meeting not to provide any food after the Mass).
i. Other suggestions for afterwards?
k. Love offering baskets at all the exits of the church for Fr. Crowley
l. NEED VOLUNTEERS: If we want to do everything that is planned – please sign up or call (951) 677-4413
m. Other suggestions?

10. Other Comments/Ideas

11. Next meeting date: Saturday, March 29th at 8:30 AM

12. Closing Prayer

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Agenda - 1/26/08


1. Opening Prayer with invocation to the Holy Spirit

2. Attendance list

3. Donation box

4. Treasurer’s Report – Katie Pettus

5. Reading of the minutes from last meeting: December 15, 2007 by Esther Johnson, Secretary.

6. Prayer concerns
a. Lynne Kapryn of the Charismatic Prayer Group is asking for prayers. She is in a constant state of exhaustion, has back problems and another issue that’s lasted for over 4 months.
b. Any other prayer concerns?

7. Divine Mercy Pamphlet
a. Spanish pamphlet is going to be translated in Spanish by one of our new members, Javier Estrada
b. Template for St. Catherine’s Divine Mercy Group
c. Printing
i. Alpha Graphics
ii. Do it ourselves

8. Sell donuts after the morning Masses tomorrow: will help us with our funds. We purchase the donuts and set up the coffee from the kitchen and we will get all the profits from the donut sales
a. Need volunteers

9. Divine Mercy Conference in Pala on Feb. 1st & 2nd
Location: San Juan Diego Center at Mission San Antonio De Pala
3015 Mission Road
Pala, CA
a. Friday, Feb. 1st: 7:00 PM Mass with Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego Diocese with music concert afterwards
b. Saturday, Feb. 2nd: All Day Conference starting with registration at 8:00 AM
i. Pay $25 at the door
c. Sign up sheet for bringing food, snacks, drinks for lunch on Saturday
d. Carpool/caravan

10. Sign up sheets for various volunteer tasks – please take a look at the sign up sheets

11. Divine Mercy Sunday, March 30, 2008
a. Prepare and sell red & white roses for our Lord to be brought up and laid at the foot of the Image either before or after all the Masses or just before the 5:00 PM Divine Mercy Mass.
b. Have the Divine Mercy Image displayed in front of the baptismal font.
c. Have the Divine Mercy Image processed in before Mass (by the Knights of Columbus Color Guard) and hopefully will be kept somewhere in the front. I have contacted one of the Knights and he or someone else is going to get back with me.
d. One of our members gives a short history on the meaning of Divine Mercy Sunday before every Mass for about 5 minutes.
e. The same person will lead the Chaplet of Divine Mercy right after the closing song.
f. At 2:45 PM have a Divine Mercy Celebration, starting with a short talk on St. Faustina
g. Show the "Tell all Souls About My Mercy" DVD in the church; (Added) show the same DVD (Spanish) to the Spanish community; and show the children's DVD, “Divine Mercy for Young Hearts" in other available rooms, if possible.
h. The 5:00 PM Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Pat Crowley
i. Get the rest of the ministries involved, including the Youth Groups
j. Have a simple meal for afterwards; coordinate with Night Life?
k. Other suggestions

12. Annual Walk for Life participants’ experience

13. Items of Interest
a. Discussion on changing of officers for our group

14. Prison Ministry presentation by James and Joan Joyce

15. Other Comments/Ideas: (Added) One Body F.I.T. for Life Presentation by Patti Afif

16. Next meeting date: Saturday, February 29th at 8:30 AM

17. Closing Prayer

Friday, December 14, 2007

Agenda - 12/15/07


1. Opening Prayer with invocation to the Holy Spirit

2. Attendance list

3. Donation box

4. Treasurer’s Report – Katie Pettus

5. Reading of the minutes from last meeting: October 27, 2007 by Esther Johnson, Secretary.

6. Prayer concerns from our members:
a. Phil Lenahan's mother, Nancy needs prayers
b. Marisol’s Aunt Maria is not doing well: she was diagnosed a couple of years ago with kidney cancer and she is now staying at Marisol’s grandmother's house for hospice care. It is a very difficult time for her, her husband and children.
c. Laura, Frank Cueva’s daughter needs prayers.
d. Virginia Pohl has cancer and would like prayer support
e. Other Prayer Concerns?

7. Good News – the Divine Mercy Pamphlet has been approved with just a slight change: our prayers have been answered.
a. We have a Spanish pamphlet in the works as well.
b. Production of the pamphlet: Alpha Graphics in Murrieta would probably give us a discount as they do some printing for the parish.
i. Does anyone know of a printer or graphics company who might do the pamphlet for free or for a reasonable price?

8. Sign up sheets for various volunteer tasks: – please take a look at the sign up sheets

9. Staff trip to Nigeria: Frank Michalek, one of the travelers, is enlisting people to pray for the success of this trip. Following are ways to help with this:
a. Every Thursday evening from 11:00 PM – 12:00 PM, there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament inside the main Church.
b. 40 volunteers needed to pray for a total of 9 hours each during the duration of the trip, from Jan. 31st - Feb 14th inclusive. Those agreeing to pray will be assigned their hours within this time frame, which will be scheduled at least 18 hours apart. Each participant will have his or her share of early morning, late night as well as daytime hours. If you're at work, there is no dire need to do more than simply offer up that hour to God for our St. Martha missionaries in Nigeria. So if you're on the job, make this intention & focus on your job. If it's the middle of the night, you may set your alarm and either rise, fall to your knees & pray; lie awake & pray or awake only momentarily & offer your next hour of sleep. Obviously, the former would be the best scenario for those overseas who will be wide awake & actively doing their work.

10. Nurses for Divine Mercy
a. Marisol

11. Divine Mercy Sunday, March 30, 2008
Since Divine Mercy is for everyone, with some consultation from other persons, the following can be proposed:
a. Have the Divine Mercy Image displayed at all the entrances just inside the church like we did last year.
b. Have the Divine Mercy Image processed in before Mass and then placed off to the side somewhere, maybe by the exit door towards the office, if Fr. Jack doesn't want it by the altar.
c. One of the lectors, or one of our members, give a short history on the meaning of Divine Mercy Sunday for about 5 minutes just before or after the sermon (I can provide this with yours or Fr. Jack's approval of the text). Also, if #4 is allowed, she/he can mention that we will be praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy after the closing song for anyone who would like to stay for ~10 minutes. We can have it show up on all the screens, if needed.
d. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy after all the Masses (voluntary)
e. At 2:45 PM have a Divine Mercy Celebration, starting with a short talk on St. Faustina, pray the chaplet and then show the "Tell all Souls About My Mercy" DVD in the church and show the children's DVD, “Divine Mercy for Young Hearts" in Straling Hall or some other room, if possible. Then there will be a short break before the 5:00 PM Mass, celebrated by a guest priest if he’s available (possibly Fr. Crowley or Fr. Barry); or by one of our priests.
f. Get the rest of the ministries involved, including the Youth Groups
g. Other suggestions

12. Book/DVD/Tapes Exchange Feel free to browse what people brought in to share and borrow; make sure you sign your name for what item(s) you’re taking.

13. Divine Mercy Conference in Pala, CA on Feb. 1-2, 2008
a. Mail in reservations by Jan. 21st or pay at the door
b. See brochure for more info

14. Items of Interest
a. “Thank You” card from St. Martha’s
b. Possible survey to our members

15. Testimonies?

16. Other Comments/Ideas

17. Next meeting date: Saturday, January 26th at 8:30 AM

18. Closing Prayer

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Agenda - 10/27/07


1. Opening Prayer with invocation to the Holy Spirit

2. Attendance list

3. Donation box

4. Treasurer’s Report – Katie Pettus

5. Reading of the minutes from last meeting: September 30, 2007 by Esther Johnson, Secretary.

6. Prayer concerns from our members:
a. Please continue to keep Sean and Ann Siebert in your prayers.
b. Carol Colburn, Debbie Stuberg’s mother and a member of our ministry, as been having problems with her health relating to the medication she’s on.
c. Clara Holden, one of our members: her son underwent delicate surgery to remove a tumor from his spine.
d. Other Prayer Concerns

7. Review of the Divine Mercy Pamphlet: Gloria, Cate Boesen and Sue Reister worked on this and Sue’s brother, Tim Holder did a great job on the graphics for it. Send Tim a thank you card?

8. Humble Servants of Divine Mercy 1st Annual Report – Cate Boesen helped me a lot in putting this together
a. Copies
b. Comments/suggestions for next year

9. DVD - “Tell All Souls About My Mercy”
a. The December 8th. showing has been cancelled because Fr. Jack has decided to have a special Mass in honor of our Lady as it is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. As we all know, this is much more important so are very pleased that this celebration will take place. We are hoping to show the DVD early next year and invite not only St. Martha parishioners but the surrounding parishes as well.
b. Also show it after one of our meetings or after Sunday Mass?

10. Parish Picnic last Sunday: Balloons, Ministry Table, Food and Beautiful Outdoor Mass– Everything turned out really well despite the winds.
a. Comments?

11. Testimonies?

12. Catholic Literature Exchange: Books/DVD’s/Tapes, etc.

13. Next meeting - Options:
a. Change date to Saturday, December 1st since the last Saturday in November is Thanksgiving weekend
b. Have it in mid-December on another Saturday
c. Have a Christmas potluck
d. Wait until next year
e. Other options?

14. Other Comments/Ideas

15. Closing Prayer